How To Check If 5c DTCP is Enabled
- Tune to the channel you are checking for 5c DTCP use.
- Turn the STB to Standby/Off and press OK/SELECT on the remote within 2 seconds to enter the Diagnostic Main Menu.
- Use DOWN ARROW and then OK/SELECT to select the "d06 CURRENT CHANNEL STATUS" option.
- If "CCI" and "DRM" have values of "0x00" the channel is unencrypted. If either setting has any other value, such as "0x01" or "0x02", it indicates encryption.
- If the "RC Flag" (Redistribution Control Flag) has any value other than "0x00", then the Broadcast Flag has been detected and the Firewire output is encrypted as a result.
Default Video Player
mplayer -fs -vo gl -zoom -quiet -lircconf /home/mythtv/.lircrc -mixer-channel Master -af volume=11 %s
ISO Playback with Xine
xine -pfhq --no-splash -S volume=100 dvd:/%s
For smoother playback, and proper audio control, the following was added to ~/.xine/config
audio.device.alsa_mixer_name:Master engine.buffers.video_num_buffers:2560
ISO Playback with VLC
amixer -c 0 sset Master 60% && cvlc --control lirc -f --no-video-title-show file://%s vlc:quit
Add Boxee to Media Library Menu
Add the following to ~/.mythtv/library.xml inside of the tags. I prefer to have it at the bottom of the menu, but you can put it wherever you like
Boxee MENU_BOXEE EXEC /opt/boxee/Boxee
Rename Video Files
/usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ -MFitV "filename" /mnt/media/movies/
HD-PVR 1212
I used the following to get my HD-PVR 1212 working with Mythbuntu 9.04. The complete instruction set that I used is at
Install prerequisites:
sudo aptitude install build-essential mercurial linux-headers-`uname -r`
Download v4l-dvb source
hg clone
At the time, the latest checkout of the driver would not compile, so I had to go back to a slightly older version. This is the newest version that worked for me
cd v4l-dvb hg update -C 13831
Compile and install
make sudo make install sudo modprobe hdpvr
Modprobe complained about unknown symbols, and referred me to dmesg. To fix this, I just had to reboot and run the modprobe command again and everything was happy.
In order to get the HD-PVR 1212 to play nice with my existing PVR-150 cards, I had to force it to use /dev/video2 device instead of automatically choosing one. To do this, I created a file at /etc/modprobe.d/hdpvr.conf with the following contents, and rebooted to make sure it works right.
options hdpvr video_nr=2
Import Video Files from External Source
/usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/recovery/ --pass QlXQ8soX --dir /mnt/media/recordings/
The lirc configuration files I use on my mythtv box with a Hauppauge PVR-150 remote can be found at the end of this page under "Attachments"
To see a list of available lircrc key bindings for mythtv, run this
mplayer -input cmdlist | less
To see a list of available lircrc key bindings for xine, run this
xine keymap=lirc | less
To see a list of available lircrc key bindings for VLC, run this
vlc -H --advanced 2>&1 | sed -n '/--key/ {s/^\ *--//; s/^\(.*\) <[^>]*>\ *\(.*\)$/\2 -> \1/; h}; /^.*[^ ].*-> key/ p; /^ -> key/ { n; s/^[ \t\n]*//M; G; s/\n//; p}'