Are you sick of notepad? Here's some great tricks to tweak gvim for windows to act like the vim you love.
Other than downloading the latest version of gvim, you should also get vimtweak.dll here:
Once you've installed gvim, to set up a _vimrc file:
- Open gvim
- type the following command
:echo $HOME
- Open the directory listed there (usually c:\users\CURRENT_USER)
- Create a file called "_vimrc" in that directory
Once you've installed vimtweak.dll, add the following commands to your _vimrc:
syntax on colorscheme torte if has('gui_running') set guifont=Lucida_Console:h11 set guioptions-=T endif function MakeTransparent() call libcallnr("vimtweak.dll", "SetAlpha", 200) endfunction nmap <F11> :call MakeTransparent()
Additionally, gvim might annoy you by not being able to create a buffer on your first insert, saying something like "recovery impossible." To fix this, add the following line to the Start In portion of the shortcut:
These commands will give you the syntax highlighting, transparency and colorscheme that makes vim just so much more awesome. Way more awesome than stupid notepad.