If you require the need in Powershell (if you must) to send an automated report and attach it with priority, try this thinned out script for sending your message with an attachment. Note: The email address must be encapsulated in angled brackets
#Prints contents of file to the body of the email $report = Get-content c:\your-outfile.txt | Out-string [string[]]$recipients = "User user@mail.com , Second Recipient second@mail.com" #Create and add attachment Get-ChildItem "Path\to\attachment" | Where {-NOT $_.PSIsContainer} | foreach {$_.fullname} | send-mailmessage -from "user@badllama.com" ` -to "$recipients" ` -subject "Subject Here" ` -body "$report" ` -BodyAsHtml ` -priority High ` -dno onSuccess, onFailure ` -smtpServer relay.yoursmtpbox.com