Use the to convert any kind of video that ffmpeg can understand to an x264 video that can be played on an Andriod device.
s Souce Video Size
-vcodec Output Video Codec
-acodec Output Audio Codec - aac is experimental in ffmpeg and has to be used with -strict experimental. If aac will not work with video you are converting then change this to libmp3lame
-ac Output Audio Channel - 2 should be the default unless you are wanting to do 5.1 Surround Sound then pick 6. Keep in mind that the source Video must support this.
-r Frames Per Second
-ab Output Audio Bit Rate
-aspect Output Aspect Ratio
ffmpeg -i ./ -s 320x240 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -r 15 -ab 44100 -aspect 16:9 OUTPUT_VIDEO.mp4